Friday, December 31, 2010

2010, the year that was ...

It's not New Year Eve without writing or at least talk about what you have accomplished throughout the year. I will spare you details of my personal life because I figure most of you probably doesn't really care that in 2010 I adopted a third cat (when she was 2 days old) and became her surrogate mother, sponsored a macaque named Kera at Primarily Primates, volunteered at Prospect Park Zoo and was accepted to Hunter for grad school. No, I won't bore you with that (Ha!).

Instead, I will just talk about my blog. 2010 was a good year in general for The Prancing Papio. Although I wasn't able to write more posts this year, I am glad that more people found their way to my blog and had expressed interested in some of my posts. Yay for more readers!

The Prancing Papio started hosting The Four Stone Hearth, a bi-weekly blog carnival that specializes in the four-field approach of Anthropology (Archaeology, Cultural, Biological and Linguistics). You can read all three editions that The Prancing Papio hosted, #93, #98 and #103. I will be hosting another edition of Four Stone Hearth again on January 19th. Be sure to come back and check out the carnival. If you would like to submit any blog posts for Four Stone Hearth, please email me at PrancingPapio at gmail dot com.

I have listed a few interesting posts that appeared on The Prancing Papio this year. Check them out!
  1. Luigi Fossati: A forgotten early primatologist
  2. What is Primatology?
  3. Do animals keep pets?
  4. Ape behavior inside the exhibit and holding area
  5. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Callitrichids!
  6. Are slow lorises really venomous?
  7. Philippine tarsiers: Not world's smallest primates, not marsupials
  8. Innate Phobias: Fear Inheritance From Mother To Offspring
  9. Using mice to assess the degree of relatedness in chacma baboons
  10. Sexual And Natural Selection: Why Humans Are Still Evolving
Happy New Year to all my readers. May all your new year resolutions and wishes come true. I promise that I write more interesting posts next year, though right now I am most excited about starting grad school in Spring (I am one step closer to being a REAL Primatologist!). Live long and prosper, my friends.

1 comment:

슬롯사이트 said...

Deze informatie is ieders aandacht waard. Wanneer kan ik
meer te weten komen?