Friday, January 27, 2012

First Day Of Spring 2012 Semester

Things are going to get hectic again as I start another semester towards my Masters degree. I'm taking 3 classes this semester. While it doesn't seem to be a lot, there will be quite a number of readings and assignments needed to be done for these classes so I am perfectly happy graduating a year or one semester later if it means I get to keep my sanity in the process. Two classes that I look forward to this semester is Ethology, and Animal Welfare. Obviously, if you know me, you know I hate Math so having to take Statistics classes for 4 semester is absolute torture for me. I'm taking my 3rd Statistic class this semester (Blergh!).

I had my first class today in the Animal Welfare class. My professor asked us to draw an animal that represents  us, and why. So, I drew a hamadryas baboon (of course!). I like them because they are adaptable and they have a luxurious mane (only in males). Yes, I said luxurious mane. How gay is THAT?

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